Saturday, November 26, 2011

A church Needs By-Laws or a constitution to Operate Efficiently and Effectively

Article 1, Volume 1
Constitution and By-Laws

One of the first documents that a church should prepare is a constitution or by-laws or both.. By-laws contain the rules of the church regarding service, management, procurement and other necessary requirements to operate effectively. Also, these documents should include guidelines for selection and removal of pastors, officers, leadership position and all other positions in the church, including paid employees.

Without documented guidelines, churches often get entangled in legal matters they cannot easily dismiss without legal assistance or the courts. Once the courts get involved a decision will be made by the judge. But is that the way churches want to operate? I don't think so. Problems can occur in so many ways, including disgruntled employees, church members pressing for something to go their way when it is clear that the church body does not want to agree with their proposal.

Once a constitution is in place, it should be reviewed, in my opinion, every three years for the purpose of ensuring that all members are aware of its contents.

Well, I just wanted to get you started thinking about church law.

In future publications I'll share more information about the necessity of constitutions and by laws in churches and religious organizations.

July 6, 2013  To Readers

The writer will continue providing information on this subject at a different website. The new site is:
